Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bodybuilding benefits

  • Bodybuilding benefits

1 - dump young energy in building muscle strength of his body, and away from the hardship.
2 - dump anger and anxieties by muscular effort beneficial to the health of the body and his youth.
3 - activate and strengthen the heart muscle, brain activation, and blood circulation.
4 - large-sized muscular young man's body, which many benefits it brings.
5 - a Muslim young man's ability to protect itself from attack oppressors of the people.
6 - bodybuilding is the best treatment for erectile dysfunction in men.

7 - scientifically proven, I'm a student who a bodybuilder, outperform larger proportion of the average student. And that requires mental effort in the course of his work, he can take advantage of the ongoing brain activity through bodybuilding day.

8 - The sleep early in the ninth hour, and albacore at dawn, of the most important aid to increase the growth of the body, increasing the size muscular activity, and it is wrong to play after sunset, because it affects the brain insomnia is chronic, and ensure insomnia Aatlan body growth, and cause insomnia fatigue fast, and irritability during exercise, and that the brain secretes growth hormones during the first hours of sleep from 9 at night until dawn, but with the iPod, growth hormones are disrupted, there is growing body only half capacity and is not fully operational.

9 - should a player Kamal momentous, to eat every day: Fruits, vegetables, fish, shrimp, meat, starches, honey, vegetable oils, fish oil omega-3 because it doubles the body's energy and activity, and it must eating five or six times daily, even higher equivalent effort.

10 - wrong eating hormones or creatine, amino acids, because they have a devastating effect on the kidneys and liver, and can be dealt with: honey, fish oil omega-3, pollen, oil grew wheat, fish, shrimp, meat, vegetables and fruit, vegetable oils.

11 - Dissemination of this wonderful sport among young people, creates a strong young Muslim patient, is weak or shaky.
12 - occupancy young people in this wonderful sport, prevents them from harm their health obscene films.
13 - the higher the number of galleries bodybuilding, the more young people next loving her.
14 - bodybuilding championships motivate young people to love the game and professionalism.

15 - Holy Prophet said: (strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak believer, and not good) ratified the Apostle Mustafa.
16 - young man who is not able to marry, he can unload pent-up energy in this wonderful sport, and to protect the health of the dramatic scenes that damage spread like spread like wildfire!!

17 - The wife of the Prophet Moses to her father before her marriage: (O Father hired, that is better than hired: strong Secretary) and the Prophet Moses is renowned as the most powerful prophets in terms of latitude and longitude and twisted muscle, peace be upon him. And that he was the champion of the weak and vulnerable in this physical force that the great God-given them, as well as the Omar bin al-Khattab and Khaled Ibn Al Waleed, may Allah be pleased with him, and brutal Abyssinian slave, renowned strongly muscular body and magnitude.

18 - Activity bodybuilding pushes the young man to think better, and psychological comfort, and purity of conscience, and the stability of myself, and calm nerves.
19 - There is no device inside your body only benefit greatly from bodybuilding.
20 - increasing the proportion of oxygen in the blood is great to keep the young permanent and ongoing activity.
21 - There is no cure for irritability or depression better than bodybuilding, as well as ablution with cold water and prayer on time.

22 - women or girls like always, to be her husband, a strong man, a strong presence, and like the mother and father that they see their son a strong body, muscular, Mister psychologically.
23 - Egypt ranks first in the world in some bodybuilding weights, and to remind the Egyptian world champion here: Ahmed Hamouda, in the 100-kilo weight, Shahat Mabrouk in weight of 70 kg.

24 - globally, excels America, Russia and Germany to the world in the sport of bodybuilding.
25 - should not renowned for us Arabs by force, chivalry and gallantry, to leave for the West the opportunity to progress us in the sport of bodybuilding, sports strength and manhood.
26 - should be on the rich and business to grow up bodybuilding galleries in each region within the country, because the big gains and guaranteed, in addition to the great benefit of the Arab youth who are exposed to invasion of Western decadence severe.

27 - was successors companions and later of the caliphs and kings, like annexation powerful men at the top of their armies, and boast about them, and give them the highest military ranks and higher wages and salaries, and the pharaohs granted mighty men best features, and top professionals in terms of pay high, profession bodyguard

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