Thursday, February 28, 2013

Benefits Running

Benefits Running 

1 - Running of the best ways to lose weight because it consumes more energy than any of the activities and exercises that burn oxygen (Oaropk) such as walking, bicycling and swimming. 

2 - Running helps boost the morale and satisfaction for yourself and your body and also helps to get rid of the fatigue and stress of everyday life. 

3 - helps run like the rest of the workout that burns oxygen to improve fitness and thus public health and makes life more active and happier. 

4 - does not need equipment or equipment except shoes and sportswear occasion. 

In order to exercise by jogging should be in good health and do not have significant health problems such as heart problems or arthritis, you should consult your doctor if you have a doubt about it. 

Running shoes 

After deciding to take place and after that try running a few days and you find suitable for you, you must buy special shoes to run. Because legs bear a great effort must care to choose the right shoes and must have shoe incubator for a man without being narrow and allows moving the fingers legs and should not be wide so that it moves the man inside or cause friction and must be comfortable and when you buy you should try both Alferdtin If were not Mrihtin through experience they will not Tkona when running An important qualities of the shoe that provides support for men and helps to absorb the shock force when bumping the man to the ground. There are four types of shoes are: 

A - Shoes for installation: 
It is suitable for those who are conducting properly or who are moving their legs a little inside and who are a little flat stomachs legs and these shoes provide a cushion to absorb shocks and to support the movement of man to fit most people, including those who are slightly curved legs stomachs. 

- Shoes to adjust the movement: 
These shoes are the pillars of the inside of the hock to the end of the belly of the man and is therefore suitable for those who are flat stomachs legs or slightly curved which reduce the movement of the man inside, and a mainstay in the shoe to make it heavier than usual. 

H - shoes with protective cushions: 
These shoes are designed for people who do not need to pillars in the shoe and whose stomachs are curved legs clearly this type of shoe is lighter kinds of shoes, and whose stomachs legs with high arches and fixed comfortable in this type of shoe. 

D - running shoes off the tracks: 
These shoes are designed to run in unpaved areas and is equipped to run one of the kind that provides stability (similar to type I), but they are the sole wider and more resistant to corrosion, friction and the upper part of the shoe type quick drying. 

There is another type of special shoes race running does not recommend its use because it does not provide support and comfort for the man, but be light and flexible so that helps your running speed only. Preferably buy shoes at the end of the day (evening) because the man be larger than in the morning and preferably also buy shoes in a shop specializing in sports shoes, and you have to wear shoes (both Alferdtin) and running to make sure that the shoe appropriate, and through that experience should be used socks Sports private, which allows evaporating sweat and away from the foot. 

The first steps to run 

1 - heating: 
Is the first step for any pushup helps the body to prepare for the exercise and increases the speed of blood flow and breathing and increases body temperature and heating to run is either walking fast for 10 minutes or stretching exercises and flexibility and then running slowly and increase speed gradually until it reaches its usual speed for you. 
2 - Cooling: 
Cooling is quite as important as the heating is done in order to regain its normal body where blood flow and breathing, as well as to reduce its temperature and slow cooling by running or walking fast, then slow and stretching and flexibility exercises. 
3 - Place Running: 
You must choose a suitable place to run in terms of safety, hygiene and ventilation, as well as the preferred choice of place that helps you keep running so that it is encouraging that the presence other exercise or be the place nice and boring, also advised that not be the place running isolated so as not to see you one has need for help at the time of the injury, God forbid, or for any other reason, as well as preferably a place with different paths and branching so that it can be a shortcut running and return quickly if needed. It could be running track dirt or but preferably not be bumpy, as well as the preferred place of a highland slopes light which helps to change the running speed and the extent of the effort during the run does not prefer the way the concrete or pavement intermittent so you are obliged to descend and ascend the pavement during the running frequently. Asphalt or area allocated to run better than sidewalks CEMENT and must make sure that the road asphalt where you make the non-diagonal direction side - and this is what is it street usually for the purpose of discharge floods - If the street is tilted toward either side needed running middle of the street if possible or you'll change direction during running so you do not have an output voltage of a mile street on one man, but to be on the two men alternately. 

For running, speed and frequency 

Start by running depending on your ability without straining yourself more than you can afford, you can specify a certain time or a specific distance to run in the beginning, as well as for the speed you run as fast as appropriate for you so that you can continue for the duration or distance set by this important at the outset to not be exposed to injury or severe stress, and should preferably be run through the first six weeks every day in order to give the body time to rest and get used to running, as well as you can in the beginning walking and running alternately through exercise daily and increase time running gradually to be able to run continuously. Over time you will get used to running and be able to run sustained for a long period of time, you can gradually increase this period by 10% per week, for example, if you are for 30 minutes a day during the week you can increase this period by 3 minutes per day. You should generally not run fast make you can not speak in an understandable way with others during the run. You may not be able to on some days that are the same efficiency that ran the previous day and this is normal do not feel disappointed or frustrated. 

Tips to continue in the sport of running 

1 - set a goal working to reach and you can hash this goal into stages for example you can put a target to conduct a 30-minute continuous working to achieve it in stages first run for 10 minutes continuously and then 15 minutes, and so on until you reach your goal and after you arrive Goal Give yourself a prize or equivalent as you wish. 

2 - Keep a record of your progress in running and see it will lift your spirits as you will see how advanced and become your ability to run better than before. 

3 - pay with one of your friends who have the ability approach to your ability, the presence companion with you during Running helps you to keep going and persevere in achieving your goals of running. 

4 - proved table, running as much as possible, to determine the time daily jogging helps you to continue to do so with the possibility of changing the time when required or when you want to change or weather conditions change. 

5 - is the pace of the program, running from time to time in order to renew and change to avoid boredom, you can run with another friend, for example, or in a different place or at a different time and then return to the previous style. 

Increase speed and increase the distance 

Not recommended to increase your running speed only after to continue in the sport of running for several months then you can start to increase your running speed. 

The increase distance and duration of running you can do so gradually at a rate of 10% per week at most, provided that does not strain yourself more than you can afford. If you feel you have reached a degree of stress over what you can stop running and start cooling. 

For the proper speed you know tested talk If you can not talk in an understandable way and you place it means that you are too quickly. 

The correct instructions to run 

1 - ml forward by ten degrees at the ankles, not at the waist. 

2 - Keep straight stature nor nostalgic back or shoulders and must be your body is taut but comfortable and flexible. 

3 - focused on the middle distance in front of you with a few steps. 

4 - Try to be your shoulders and back and straightest Urkk and one. 

5 - foot must be situated under the body's center of gravity in each step. 

6 - When you lift your foot and your leg behind you tried to raise Arkopk to the highest extent possible, to the level of the knee and let it gradually to reach that level. 

7 - Keep your arms and your hands comfortable and tight angle at the facility. 

8 - Do not grab the fingers, but make them comfortable grip is complete and addressed to the palm side of the body and thumb up. 

9 - Move your arm swing when the shoulder is compatible with the movement of men and to the side of the body and not in front of him, this movement keeps the balance of the body and increase the efficiency of movement. 

10 - When you move your hands down should not greatly exceed the hip and be adjacent to the side down a little waist. 

11 - must drink a glass or two glasses of water before running 10 minutes, and drink a glass every 15 minutes during the run as necessary to drink the amount of water after running and do not wait until you feel thirsty it indicates that you have reached the stage of drought, and should drink water before feeling thirsty 

Safety and Injury Prevention 

Because what caused running of force and pressure on the body is three times what caused walking you should care of your body during the run and not be subjected to injuries and the best way to do that is to listen to your body, Valtab stress usual when running accepted and expected, but the pain is unacceptable and must stop you from Running when you feel it, and most of the causes of injury during running is running more than endures person both in terms of distance and in terms of speed, so you should not increase your running speed only after several months of running, as well as not to increase the duration or length of distance running more than 10% per week and injuries that occur as follows: 

1 - النفطات (bulges of water). 

2 - knee problems. 

3 - sprained ankle or lower leg. 

When incidence you should take a break for a day or more to disappear symptoms can be treated with some minor injuries compresses the snow, which increases the blood flow and thus speed healing or linking the infected part ligaments medical and if the injury is very painful or pain persists for a long time should see a doctor. And you should check your style of running and the circumstances under which the exclusion of the mistakes that you make during the run, if you are on the ground concrete example, or on the dock intermittently, you must choose another place much softer like flat ground is paved and if your shoes inappropriate or Old you must change And if you do not exercise exercises heating and cooling or stretching exercises and flexibility you need to do so continuously. 

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