Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bodybuilding Nutrition

I believe many of us make the process of bodybuilding far more complicated than it needs to be. This is especially true when it comes to nutrition.

I’ve come to this conclusion after answering literally thousands of questions from bodybuilders for more than a decade. Through seminars, appearances, letters, phone consultations, and contact through the Internet, the same questions we’re asked and the same challenges were encountered over and over again. It didn’t matter what level of experience, number of accomplishments, individual circumstances, or what part of the world a bodybuilder lived, when it comes to nutrition, our patterns of thinking and the obstacles they faced were basically the same.

As I strive to strengthen my skills as an effective bodybuilding coach, one of my goals is to simplify the bodybuilding process. The bottom line is that we are all after the same things; to build muscle, lose body fat, or a combination of building muscle and losing body fat. We also want to do so in the most efficient ways and in the shortest period of time.

If you embrace the nutritional strategies I’ve outlined in this publication, how you need to build muscle and lose body fat will be more simple. Notice the word I used was simple—not easy! Nothing is easy (Nothing worth having, anyway). Eating to create a lean and muscular physique is no exception.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this special presentation of nutrition:

·         The Importance Of Good Nutrition
·         Good Eating Habits Are Built Upon A Foundation Of Motivation
·         The Three Most Important Keys To Understanding Effective Bodybuilding Nutrition
·         Simplicity And Efficiency Is What’s Important In A Nutritional Program
·         The Macronutrients And What They Do For Us -- Protein, Carbohydrates And Fat Explained
·         The “Right” Ratio Of Macronutrtients
·         Determining How Many Calories You Should Eat
·         Skip La Cour’s Simple Way To Determine Your Maintenance Level
·         Body Composition
·         Determining How Many Meals To Eat Each Day
·         Skip La Cour’s Basic Meal Plan
·         Eating To Build Muscle Mass
·         How To Calculate The Percentages Of Macrocnutrients In Your Food – A Quick Nutrition Mathematics Review
·         The Importance Of Protein
·         How Much Protein You Should Eat To Build Muscle
·         Skip La Cour Explains His “Protein Consumption Window Of Opportunity” Theory
·         The Danger Of Eating Too Much Protein
·         The “Bulking Up” Strategy For Packing On Muscle Mass
·         Eating To Lose Body Fat
·         There’s No Substitute For Hard Work When It Comes To Losing Body Fat
·         Why Starchy Carbohydrates May Not Be As Good For You As You Think
·         Building Muscle And Losing Body Fat At The Same Time
·         Dealing With The Challenge Of A Slow Metabolism
·         Dealing With The Challenge Of A Fast Metabolism
·         Why You Should Keep Your Diet Simple
·         The Benefits Of Adding “Good” Fat To Your Diet And The Painful Lesson I Learned!
·         Skip La Cour’s First 5 To 6 Months Of Dieting The Year He Won The NPC Team Universe
·         Skip La Cour’s Last 10 To 12 Weeks Of Dieting The Year He Won The NPC Team Universe
·         Skip La Cour’s New And Improved “Good Fat” Diet
·         The Importance Of Drinking Plenty Of Water
·         Skip La Cour’s Tip For Drinking More Water
·         The Benefits Of Adding Salt To Your Meals
·         Getting Shredded And Maintaining Muscle Is A Matter Of Heart
·         How Do You Know That You’re Losing Muscle?
·         Incorporating “Cheat Days” Into Your Disciplined Diet Without Feeling Guilty
·         The Bodybuilding Triad:  A Visual Demonstration Of The Importance Of Nutrition
·         Skip La Cour’s Top Ten Nutrition Tips
·         Samples Of Skip La Cour’s Nutritional Programs
·         Skip La Cour’s Ten Tips For Eating Well Despite Your Busy Schedule

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