Did you ask yourself days why not grow your muscles or why grow very slowly ..? Pain happens that one of your friends has not changed his body as it should although he would practice more than a year ago and two years ..?
There are many factors affect the growth of the body's muscles and most important of all is the diet, and you get to know dear reader that diet is its impact more than 60% and the method of exercise affect only 20% ie you if rehearsed continuously and correctly 100% but your diet is Good will not see that wonderful body that you want him in front of the mirror even after 10 years.
On the subject of the day we will mention only the basics that should be followed in your diet for muscle growth:
1. Calories: is the most important element, as is required for the growth of muscle to eat total calories more than your body needs per day.
Example: the rate of calories needed by today's sports up to 3,000 calories and muscle growth you need to eat more of it and advised at 3500 Elly 4000 calories.
How to reach this much: too much eating carbohydrates that contain many calories, such as rice and bread, pasta, potatoes.
2. Protein: muscle feed on the amino acid produced by the liver from eating protein, the greater the quantity, the faster muscle growth but must much attention to that a high intake of protein because of the great pressure exerted on the liver and kidneys.
Example: A person unsportsmanlike needs of 60-70 grams of protein, and the person sporting a poor campaign from 90-100 grams of protein and this just to keep the quantum muscle in the body and not losing size muscle, but for the growth of muscle advised eating a total (weight kilo x 2 ).
Not eating protein intensely does not mean that your muscles will not grow, but you will need a much longer time to see the same results if you eat protein extensively.
3. Water: its benefits are many, the most important of course to get rid of excess body salts and Too much water will help get rid of excess body fluids.
For the sports person is advised to drink 3-4 liters of water a day.
4. Vitamins: It is very important for the muscles and body and nerves and joints that do not lose any kind of vitamins, which are located in fruits and vegetables, and try eating different types of fruits and vegetables a day, and if impossibility to obtain different types can buy a variant of pharmacy BMI called Ba "Malti Vaatamen. "
5. Fats and oils useful: some believe that not eating fat once and for fear of accumulation in the body, but they do not know that the muscles feed on the so-called fat and useful health and that the body needs on a daily basis.
Fats and oils found useful in: fish (Amiga 3), olive oil, nuts and peanut butter.
Some important notes:
- To avoid excess body fat try eating 6-7 small meals a day that contain every meal on the rate of 600 to 650 calories.
- All meals should contain protein and carbohydrates with the exception of the last meal
- Try to make sure most of the calories before and immediately after training (half an hour to an hour) with a focus on. Alkrbuhadiratt
- Try to reduce carbohydrates sooner than hours of sleep nightly.
- A lot of water helps to clean the kidneys and reduce the pressure on the liver, are also advised to drink milk and that the washing process of the kidneys
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