Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is easy and fun; jump rope is not just for kids jump rope, one of the easiest sports to do to lose weight, and least expensive, plus it enjoyable and memory takes us back to the days of beautiful childhood. When practicing sport jump rope in the right way, the usefulness par with jogging in terms of strengthening the heart and lungs and improve blood circulation and fitness. This sport is suitable for all age groups and both sexes, all you need appropriate sports shoes to protect the foot from injury and comfortable clothes do not hinder movement, and that the land is flat and it does not matter if they planted or furnished or user of wood to practice aerobics exercises. For the ladies prefer to wear bra to maintain its stability and not Atralh while jumping. How do you choose cord appropriate preferably lightweight and Mqdah of wood or cork so as not to slip hand during practice as a result of sweating, and to make sure the appropriate length of rope Put your feet up the middle rope and then Pull handles to the top, and must be newcomers to the level of the chest. How to jump must maintain the integrity of the back with the lifting of the head and to draw attention to the front and must rest shoulders and Hdahma back and bend elbows at a 45 degree angle. And when you move your hands must move the arms only to protect the shoulder joint, with your knees slightly bent to maintain their safety and non Hdahma, can perform exercises in front of the mirror in the beginning to help correct performance. Always Abdoa heat for 3 5 minutes brisk walking or jogging in the same place. Stand up straight and you are holding the rope with the tightening of the muscles of the abdomen, while the arms and waist Tqribema. Then Abdoa jumping on high 2 3 inches from ground level and do not forget knees bent. You maintain the breathing process in its proper form so that it is inhaled from the nose and exhale from the mouth. Aagafza 10 continuous leaps if you can then walk a little and repeat the process jumping and walking three times. When you find yourself able to increase Issue Aagafza 30 jump and walk a little. And gradually Zaidi number jumps even able to perform the 50 to 70 per minute and then jump a little walk. Should not be a sudden stop, but must gradient pulse walk until he returns to the normal level, followed by a cooling phase, ranging from 3 to 5 minutes and include the performance of some light sports movements and relaxation exercises for the rest of the body. Jump rope for 30 minutes helps to burn 296 calories. Here's this simple program, which includes jumping with some exercise: warm-up exercises exercise after completing basic of warm Abdoa process jump by 50 to 70 per minute and then jump a little walk to give the body some rest then repeat jump 50 to 70 jump followed by a little walk, try to continue to exercise for 15 minutes and with time you will find yourself able to continue for a longer period and it is due to improve your fitness. Exercises cooling should not be a sudden stop during exercise but must gradient pulse until he returns to the normal level and walk a little. The first exercise: tightening shoulders Aeksa muscles push and pull to the left (this exercise relaxes the muscles of the shoulders). The second exercise: pulling back muscles 1 Stand straight with tightening the abdominal muscles to the inside, and breathing deeply from the nose and come out the air from the mouth, repeat it three times. 2 Lift up your hands to the top of and Shidehma, slowly Akhvdehma to down until it touches your fingers your toes if you can. Repeat three times. 3 Stand up straight and bending to the left side until parallel ذراعاك your left leg. Then bending to the right hand, repeat three times on each side. 4 Abdoa walking spaced steps (10 steps) and then try to jump in place three leaps. 1 Stand straight with open legs and tight abdominal muscles inward, the extent of your hand straight with the constipation the Brsg your right hand by the left hand with your right leg bent. 2 strongly Andfie to the right side of your body and Ojzba your right arm toward the chest to the left side. 1 Lie on your back with your knees bent over your chest and then over your arms to the sides so يكونان equal with shoulders. 2 Anzali your knees to the right side even Tlamsa earth, for in your head and look to your left hand with the survival of the shoulders on the ground, try to relax a little bit and breathe deeply.

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