Thursday, February 28, 2013

What is bodybuilding?

What is  bodybuilding? 

Stimulate the muscles of the body to grow through training and then feed the muscle and fallow results show that sport after a long period of time more than 6 months. 

What is the purpose of the sport? 
Increase muscle mass in the body leading to improved muscle form.  

What are the main rules of the sport? 
1 - Training. 
2 - Nutrition. 
3 - comfort. 

First: Training 
Goal of the training? 
Stimulating muscle cells to grow in order to adapt to the muscular effort. 

What is the training in the sport of bodybuilding? 
The events of the shrinking process and energizes per muscle more than 120 repeat, is an example piece to train chest muscle, for example, 4 exercises each exercise 4 groups and each group 10 Total 160 occurrences repeat. 

How to get training programs? 
1 - trained gyms. 
2 - professional sport of bodybuilding. 
3 - books, magazines and Web sites perfectly competent objects. 

Second: Nutrition 
What is the purpose of nutrition? 
1 - supplying muscle cells crisis materials for construction and demolition compensation. 
2 - the power supply to the human body and activity in order to help him in the training process. 

What is a proper diet? 
Eating 5 meals integrated in today Thnue proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and healthy fats. 

Third: comfort 
What is the purpose of convenience? 
The only time that occurs when the order for new cells and where the process of building better than ever. 

What are the times of the rest of the body? 
1 - eight hours a night to sleep. 
2 - day comfort permeate the training program. 

What are the common mistakes in the sport of bodybuilding? 
1 - feeling frustrated when novice and professional not to continue because in gyms and do not realize it sports the past and they Bdio of Mistoa perhaps less than its level must be patience and seriousness in training. 
2 - the use of hormones to stimulate muscle and not just training causes imbalance in the vital functions of the body. 
3 - Use materials prevent protein out of the body to increase muscle mass to cause damage to the liver and kidney. 
4 - Use of steroids causes the body's inability to reach the activity to those chemical stimulants. 
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