The're a beginner .. Want to build muscle .. or you are really studious Ali ..
you stop a bit to read this article ..
Must first before embarking on the
go. Work test for your health before starting a bodybuilding program for the
following reasons ...
You need to healthy heart as well as the overall sound
and healthy liver .. so that they can build the proteins in the image of muscle
cells ..
And therefore - must be measured in blood cholesterol and
lipoproteins high and low density .. Turaijlsraad .. CNN protein Raaktef.
Must work and liver functions
- Kidney functions ..
- For males and
prostate functions ..
As for the choices start practice .. they include:
1 - Go to the gym or what is known as Paljam .. Try to choose the closest to
your home so as not to spend a lot of time in the coming and going must be
appropriate in monthly expenses .. available all required tools and equipment ..
Cleanliness of the place .. and that you feel comfortable
2 - If you want to
exercise in your home .. This is what bulks. And, of course, has its advantages
no entry fee no crowds and you can move from one exercise to another without
rest. And disadvantages is that you do not have one to encourage you or direct
you ..
There bodybuilding three strategies for increasing muscle
hypertrophy ..
- Lifting weights or resistance hydraulic devices.
Special feeding contain a large amount of proteins.
- Adequate rest and a
good night's sleep and lack ensure .. because muscle growth will be at night.
When you go to the first day of training .. and start exercise cost ..
happens minor cuts in the muscle and cracks make you feel severe pain after
several hours of exercises a so-called pain-term and surprise that reform the
body's natural for these wounds is what makes the muscle grow bigger in the
foundation. . continue this pain for two days and then gradually diminished
starting muscle Baltaud this Altoa of wounds
There are two types of
exercise ..
- The first type .. Strengthening of the muscles of an
increase census weights are not too heavy ..
- Type II .. enlarge and
hypertrophy of the muscles .. an increase weights every time with less census
Some trainees prefer a merger between the two so as not to get used to the
body on the type of exercise
When going for the first time are advised not
to lift weights originally for the first week, but only Exercise sports snack
such as pressure and high bar and some exercises Swedish other side of abdominal
exercises for the first week. So there is no wounds large muscle may Tfkdk
determination in the maintenance and prevent you from pursuing your normal
daily. For several days
Trainee needs to diet and calories
quite different from what the average person needs .. so that they can build
muscles. Require energy to support its normal activity .. And restored to the
sport .. So that they can build muscles and melt away fat also ..
Thus, the
ratios of carbohydrates, proteins and fats vary depending on the purpose ..
Play a key role .. give energy to train .. promotes
the secretion of insulin, the hormone that stimulates cells to devour glucose
which helps to introduce some amino acids to the cells and encourages the
building of protein .. Without carbohydrates impossible to build muscle.
Also indispensable to it .. element that builds muscle him
.. preferably using protein powder and milk as a dietary supplement and
supportive of the growth of muscle .. Should consume sports from 25 to 30
percent of its food protein until it reaches the consumer, who wants his body ..
and reduce appropriate is the consumption of grams protein per kilo of weight
trainee .. and some say it is not enough and appropriate is 2 grams per kilogram
of weight trainee . It is known that proteins play a role Assayasa advised
intakes during and after exercise and before bedtime also .. It is material that
contains heavily on proteins are chicken, beef, fish, eggs, milk and some seeds
and beans .. and no dietary supplement claims Wei protein is complementary
Excellent support sports all proteins that he needs to build his body. This is
much better than soy of existing of womanhood hormone derivatives and
detrimental to overall safety. Despite the objection of some nutrition
Meals ..
Needs sports. To 5 to 7 meals a day or .. if he
wants an integrated system, he nutrition every two hours, but there is some
research that denies effectiveness multiplication of the number of meals .. but
remain convinced and agree all the need to provide grams certain per kilo per
day for the athlete ..
Supplements .. And Alanaboleiks ..
wants to dissolve fat and build muscle. There some of the many products that
meet this desire beside exercise ..
The only legitimate CMOS is recognized
creatinine .. It is most effective fact, most used and which have a lot of
molecules Lalai ITP ATP which is energy molecules in the human body. Any provide
the body with a lot of energy in less time .. and the second is the Wii protein
and which I talked about a short while ago. And contains high concentrations of
proteins and essential amino acids.
The Alanaboleiks ..
typically used by the male sex hormone, which becomes part of it to the female
estrogen, which increases muscle size without very great effort in less time.
But illegal and you need to doctor prescription for athletes even allowed.
These compounds increase the size of the muscle in both the first and second
types .. But unfortunately its complications and damage a lot and
- In the
liver poisoning .. High blood pressure. Increase cholesterol .. impotence with
infertility despite increase in sex desire. Breast growth in males it does not
go away, but surgery .. Atrophy of the testicles. With higher doses.
The use
of growth hormone .. It causes Alakromajala
"Increasing growth hormone for a
long time causing thickening bones of the fingers, feet and jaw. Produces,
heaviness in the jaw and increase the size of the fingers which is called
diabetes Alokromajala"
Happens excitement and Althver muscle
during exercise, but the real growth occurs during rest and sleep .. Discomfort
and sleep does not give the opportunity to grow muscle .. Prefer to sleep at
night at least 8 hours ..
Finally .. The salvation of what was said ..
care Bgmaik well .. it is possible to use dietary supplements and do not use
Alanaboleik a considerable Vadhararha lot .. not in a hurry to build muscle has
Requiring months to 3 months .. Cared too comfortable and sleep .. not start
very active in the first .. Select your priorities Do you want huge muscles that
you want the most powerful muscles or Alattin .. and it determines the type of
your practice of sport ..
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