Includes banana on a good amount fiber, it is known that the natural human need 25 grams fiber per day, and fiber elements which help regulate blood sugar body, Vtnaolk fiber means that blood sugar is low, and that means the fat that will consist of your body a few does not settle easily.
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4 - good for the heart
Banana is one of the fruits that strengthens the heart muscle significantly, because bananas contain vitamin B6 dramatically, and this vitamin helps too to strengthen the heart muscle, which reduces the incidence of heart attacks and strokes.
5 - strengthens bones: -
If you did not deal with bananas, the proportion of potassium will be a few of your body, but the problem is that the ratio of sodium will be Mrtfah, and sodium (if a high percentage), it does weaken the bone and burn!! So when dealing with potassium banana banana reduces sodium content of your body, it weakens your bones, as that potassium himself helps strengthen bones and install calcium, so it is considered bananas from bone supplements.
In the end I like to mention that there are many other benefits that we can not mention in this article.
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