Sunday, July 21, 2013
Posted on 11:47 PM by Unknown
Monday, July 15, 2013
Natural BodyBuilding
Posted on 3:26 PM by Unknown
Many people believe that natural body building is impossible. Many think that they cannot lose man boobs and make their muscles bigger without the help of steroids and other supplements. But, body building the natural way is possible. You just need access to an effective bodybuilding system that you can follow even at home.
My 4 Rules for Choosing the Best Bodybuilding Split Program
Posted on 3:22 PM by Unknown
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Asking me which bodybuilding split program is best for you is like asking me to buy you a suit without giving me your size, color preferences or reason that you need it to begin with. Because different plans net different end results, you can't just take a cookie-cutter plan and apply it to everybody. Your program should be periodized and organized so that it meets your individual fitness goals.
Choosing the Right Bodybuilding Supplement
Posted on 3:15 PM by Unknown
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Before wasting your money on a pile of bodybuilding supplements you really need to work out what you are hoping to achieve. Don't lose sight of the fact that sound nutrition forms the basis of any muscle building program and no amount of supplementation with the latest and greatest products will make up for bad eating habits. The bottom line is, bodybuilding supplements should be used IN ADDITION to regular food, not INSTEAD OF it.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Fasting and Bodybuilding
Posted on 10:20 AM by Unknown
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One of the most famous bodybuilders of his generation Sergio Nubret was a strong advocate of intermittent fasting way back before it was popular. Sergio Nubret had a fantastic physique and whether or not he built that body using steroids is not the question here, what his nutritional methods were are.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
start a successful garage gym
Posted on 11:20 AM by Unknown
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Successful gym owner, Joe Hashey
is ready to reveal the exact process on
how to
start a successful garage gym!
Tips To Help You Start Bodybuilding For Beginners
Posted on 10:27 AM by Unknown
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Bodybuilding for beginners need not be a difficult thing. For anyone who wishes to begin bodybuilding as a hobby or simply as a means to get fit, you don't have to get so nervous about it. There are just simple tips that you need to take note of and then you can head your way to the gym and start that perfect body built you so want to have.
What It Takes to Build Lean Muscle Mass ?
Posted on 10:14 AM by Unknown
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Achieving the most amazing lean and muscular physique is not easy, unless you are one of those gifted individuals who can gain lean muscle mass while eating a high calories diet, and not gain any fat. It takes a consistent dedication to your gym work, your diet and nutrition plan and your overall lifestyle.
You either have 'it' or you don't. What I mean by that is that you either have that dedication to your body and will do whatever it takes to gain improvements with the end result being incredibly lean and muscular - or you think you have it, and other lifestyle 'choices' push your workout regime and diet to the side, while you 'enjoy life'.
bodybuilding Glossary of Terms
Posted on 9:49 AM by Unknown
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Feel Speed: A slow and steady speed which enables you to really feel the particular muscle you are working. This is often referred to as the mind / muscle link.
Bodybuilding and Intermittent Fasting : How to Make It Work for You
Posted on 9:42 AM by Unknown
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Is it just a flash in the pan or is it here to stay ? Intermittent fasting seems to have come out of nowhere in the past few months. It has been popularised by the likes of Brad Pilon, Dr. John Berardi, the Hodge Twins and Martin Berkhan but in actual fact, intermittent fasting has been around a lot longer than that. Intermittent fasting which is actually a pretty fancy (sometimes off putting) phrase for what is essentially two windows - a window when to eat and a window when not to eat.
Intermittent fasting and bodybuilding can work for you if your goal is to build muscle and to get lean and here are 3 reasons why.
1. Recent studies have shown that it is in actual fact total macros and the total amount of daily calories that account for muscle growth and not the amount of meals and the timing of them. Essentially what this is saying is that as long as you get the required amount of calories in the 24 hour period it doesn't matter when you get them. So as long as you get you required amount of calories (a surplus of your TDEE is needed in combination with a progressive training routine) in your eating window you will gain muscle.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
That You Want How Do You Get The Body ?
Posted on 9:03 PM by Unknown
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t is the dream of every man to have a buff or toned body, just like what they see on men's health magazines. Men who do body building have become even more popular nowadays, when the people have become a lot more conscious about their current health statuses, as well as their body physiques.
It has come to the attention of many men that in order for them to have great-looking bodies, they really have to dedicate themselves to finding the right body building program for them. Many try to look up on the internet for various programs that they could try to make their bodies become a lot more toned.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Anabolic Cooking - Muscle Building Cookbook
Posted on 7:33 PM by Unknown
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The Best Cookbook and Complete Nutrition guide for Bodybuilding and Fitness
Sunday, July 07, 2013
From Dave Ruel, Author of the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook
Every serious fitness enthusiast knows that nutrition is the most important part of building an impressive, ripped, muscular physique.
Let's face it, even if you are on the best training program possible and take all the best supplements, your muscles won’t grow by themselves and the fat is not going to fall off magically. Food will make your muscles grow and burn that stubborn belly fat. Without nutritious food in the right quantities, even the most intense workout or cardio session is worthless. That’s as simple as that.
And, even though we all know this, preparing and eating meals is almost always the most overlooked and neglected area of our lives. We always go for the easy option by spending tons of money in pre-made meals, take-out food and meal replacement drinks.
However, some people still manage to be faithful to a bodybuilding or fitness specific meal plan, but they quickly face another problem:
And you’re not the one to blame...Who the hell can live exclusively on boiled chicken breasts, baked potatoes and broccoli?
I bet that you know exactly what I’m talking about, right?
Other problems people face is the misconceptions surrounding cooking, eating and preparing meals for Bodybuilding and Fitness.
more : click here
more : click here
Iron Dolls - Female Bodybuilding Secrets
Posted on 9:52 AM by Unknown
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I'm Pulling Back The Curtains And Revealing The
8-Step System On How To Build Muscle Like You'veNEVER Imagined...
I DID IT And I Can Show You The EXACT Same Natural Female Bodybuilding Diet And Workout Secrets I Used That Packed On SOLID Muscle And SlicedBody Fat.
This is Me... Karen Sessions and MY Body Transformation From Using
Muscle Gain
I am my own success story! I have spent YEARS in the iron game, tearing it apart piece by piece to create the Ultimate All-Natural Women's Muscle-Building Program without adding excess body fat.
I have used EACH and EVERY method I mention in "Iron Dolls" and have PROVEN it to work. Users of "Iron Dolls" report INSANE muscle gain and freaky fat reduction in record time!
Get The EXACT Same Program I Used to Make This Total Body Transformation!
Sure, no doubt you've heard these claims before one too many times, right? But keep reading, because every single claim I make is backed by rock-solid proof...
July 6, 2013
From the Desk of: Karen Sessions, NSCA-CPT
Author of: "Iron Dolls - Female Bodybuilding Secrets"
Hey Girl,Look, I've been where you are... I have been stuck with my dieting and training and became COMPLETELY frustrated from not getting ANY results, despite ALL the hard work I put in.You see... I started bodybuilding in 1988 putting in HOURS of weight training in the gym and closely watching my diet, only to be left atsquare one month after month. I even read all the popular bodybuilding magazines including Flex, MuscleMag, Ironman, Muscle & Fitness in hopes to unlocking the key to building strong and sexy muscle that I so desperately wanted.
After YEARS of study, research, trial and error, working with top-level amateurs and IFBB Pros I was able to break the natural bodybuilding code to build beautiful feminine muscle, and shed body fat... And the changes that came after my SHOCKING discovery were nothing short of AMAZING!My journey of breaking the muscle gain / fat loss code was long and it was hard... but it WORKED and it worked FAST. Until now, no one on the outside has a clue about what I did to make such great muscle gains, while dropping body fat at the same time.Now, If You Want The TRUTH About What It Takes To Build MuscleNATURALLY, Lose Fat QUICKLY, And Totally Transform Your Body... Well, I Think I Can Help You. Just Pay Close Attention To What I'm About To Say...
I was receiving TONS of e-mails every day from women AND MEN, asking me for diet and training advice, help, and programs. I would literally spend HOURS answering countless e-mails and PM's on forums. I finally gathered myself and decided to put my 20 years of bodybuilding research and trial and error into an easy-to-read simple system to deliver the EXACT same results.That's right... I have jam-packed ALL my knowledge into this unique muscle-building system to ensure muscle growth in the shortest amount of time simply by applying the techniques suggested. This system is "Iron Dolls."Users of "Iron Dolls" report INSANE muscle gain in RECORD time. My inbox is CONSTANTLY filled with satisfied customers thrilled with their immediate muscle building and fat loss success.
for more infos : click here
"Dumbbell Exercises and Lifting Routines To Help You Gain More Muscle, Lose Weight, or Just Get Yourself in Better Physical Shape... WITHOUT the Hassles, and Expenses of Health Clubs"
Posted on 8:01 AM by Unknown
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Saturday, July 06, 2013
Dear Friend,Lets face it, gyms and health clubs are great, unless:
- You don't have enough time to really get effective use out of them.
- You can't afford the monthly membership fees.
- You don't already look like Mr./Mrs. Universe, and will be embarrassed to be seen in shorts and a T-shirt!
I joined a gym less than 5 miles away! I figured I could go at least 3 days a week on my lunch hour.
Here's how it went for me:
Day 1: Great workout, felt pumped.
Day 2: Already felt kinda sore, so didn't workout as intensively as Day 1. Didn't accomplish much when I got back to work.
Day 3: Had a really important errand to run so I skipped altogether.
Day 4: Forced to skip again due to a lunch date that I just *couldn't* get out of ;-)
Day 5: Finally made it back to the gym again! Felt like Day 2 for some reason, though, because I just couldn't really get motivated.
Sadly, this cycle pretty much continued like this for about 2 months. I doubt I made it to the gym more than a dozen times during those two months.
So much for my 3 workouts a week!
Hopefully you aren't as bad as I was, but if you have trouble making it to the gym for any reason, I'm about to show you the solution to your fitness problems!
You'll No Longer Be Ashamed To Be Seen In Public Wearing A Tank Top...
because you're finally going to have the body you've always wanted!
There's so much garbage and hype being thrown at us each and every day...on T.V., on the Internet, on the radio...everywhere!
And, if you're like me, you've tried the diets, watched the videos, and choked down more pills than you care to remember ;-)
Then a few short months later, where do you end up?
Right back where you started!
Somewhere along the line you come to the realization that the only real way to lose weight and get in shape is through exercise.
The fastest way (and the one with the longest lasting results) is through lifting weights.
But then you start looking at all of your options and all of a sudden none of them look that appealing.
It becomes a matter of not enough time, not enough confidence, not enough money, not enough space for a full-blown home gym, and the list goes on and on.
Now, let me tell you a little secret...
All You REALLY Need Is A Set of Dumbbells
An inexpensive flat bench too, but even that isn't necessary for all exercises.
That's it, just a set of dumbbells and a bench and you can be on your way to a healthier, happier YOU!
I know, I know...your B.S.-o-meter is going off like crazy all of a sudden. But hang in there with me for another minute.
Most experts agree that nothing gives you a total body workout like free weights. You can't get the same range of motion when you're using a machine, plus when you use free weights your body also has to compensate for balance and control of the weights (an added bonus.)
What was your first thought when I mentioned free weights? Did images of 500 pound massive barbells pop into your head? Did you immediately dismiss this idea because you typically need two people to keep from getting injured? Or, did you just instantly figure you need a gym for that stuff?
If so, then this letter should be an eye-opener!
All you really need is a set of dumbbells and a cheap flat bench. You can get a total body workout in the privacy of your own home, by yourself, with just these simple tools.
Here are some advantages:
- You can get dumbbells in pretty much any weight amount you need...from beginning weights all the way up to pro level.
- Just about every exercise you can do with a barbell or machine, you can do with dumbbells.
- And you don't need a partner to spot you!
- You don't need to take up much space either...basically just a corner in your bedroom will do just fine.
"What does all of this have to do with me?"
The purpose of this letter is to introduce you to a breakthrough new fitness guide called "Dumbbell Routines and Exercises Fitness Guide".
In it you will find step-by-step instructions, and illustrations, for every muscle group in your body to show you exactly how to get in shape in a hurry!
No more guessing, no more trying to figure out how you should be working out. Instead you'll learn exactly what you need to know to workout in the privacy of your own home with nothing more than a set of dumbbells and a bench.
Click here if you are ready to order now
In it, you'll find the following information:
- Exercises for Back
- Exercises for Abs(!!)
- Exercises for Biceps
- Exercises for Triceps
- Exercises for Chest
- Exercises for Shoulders
- Exercises for Forearms
- Exercises for Legs
- Even Stretching Exercises!
- Bonus Stability Ball Exercises
- Access To Online Video Demonstrations
- 8 Different Routines To Choose From
- Progress From The Beginner Routines To The Advanced Routines
- Different Routines For Different Goals
- 89 Pages Containing Over 75 Unique Exercises
- Includes Printable Training Logs
Print out your copy, and then get started working out right away.
"That's exactly what I've been looking for, but what's it going to cost me?"
After having no luck at all finding what I needed through hours and hours of searching, I finally gave up and paid someone to create these exercise routines for me!
I figured it was the only way to know you're getting exactly what your looking for.
The next step was to keep it as affordable as possible so that most people would be able to easily afford a copy.
So, I decided on $47!
But, as a limited time promotion to get the book off to a running start, I'm going to let you steal a copy for only $27!
That alone should convince you to snatch up a copy right away, but I understand you may be worried about any risk or anything like that, so...
100%, no questions asked, 60-day money-back guarantee!
With a guarantee like that you can't lose!
Just remember how good you are going to look, and feel once you've started making improvements in your body!
Your clothes will start to fit, you will no longer be embarrassed to wear a T-shirt and shorts in public...and you can accomplish all of this in the privacy and comfort of your own home!
Good luck, and I wish you the best of success!
Mike Westerdal, BS, CPT
Let's face it if you leave this Web site you'll probably put off your fitness goals until who knows when. I don't want you to do that because I want you to succeed and I want you to be healthy. So to encourage you to order right now I'm willing to offer over $147 in FREE BONUS ITEMS, but you have to take of advantage of this opportunity by ordering today!Bonus #1:
You will learn:
How to separate legitimate natural alternatives for reducing your blood pressure from bogus "quack" products, the facts about highly advertised blood pressure remedies.
The link between hypertension and obesity (what high blood pressure and bulging bellies have in common.)
The truth about the "natural cures" 'THEY' don't want you to know about.
This 3-part interview has so much incredible and shocking information that can help you become healthier and get a slimmer waistline, that it could easily be the most important report you read all year!
Bonus #2:
We all know smoking isn't healthy. Maybe you've been wanting to quit or maybe you'd like to pass this eBook onto a loved one?
How about a 4 Step Plan to defeat your nicotine dependency... starting today!
"How To Stop Your Butt Kissing Habit" is the exact system many have used to kick the habit to the curb. It's an easy to read, thoroughly researched, step by step, encouraging BATTLE PLAN to stomp out those cigarettes for good.
Bonus #3:
Chicken is one of America's favorite foods and many different dishes can be created with Chicken! With this collection of Chicken Recipes your sure to find something everyone in your family will like!
There are healthy chicken recipes for every type of occasions! From Appetizers to Casseroles, Enchiladasto Pot Pies...and so much more! Everything you can possibly think of is in here! Chicken is low in fat, high in protein and a great food to add to your new healthier lifestyle.
Bonus #4:
Do you know how to tweak your diet so that you continue to stay on the path of progress week after week after week? This bonus item will turn you into a sports nutrition specialist. Upon completing the course you will be able to:
*Easily establish your Basal Metabolic Rate
*Find out your exact Daily Energy Expenditure
*Precisely determine your Total Daily Calorie intake
just click here and get it : =D
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